i've checked the iclarified site and even watched the video on how to JB from 3.0. my iphone 3G came with 3.0 installed and since then, i've been trying to JB. the 3.0 version shows: Version 3.0 (7A339). modem FW: 04.26.08
the phone is not activated, which i've read that it doesn't need to be activated in order JB.
having said that, the video shows that from itune, you hold down shift key + restore and then select the "iPhone1,2_3.0_7A341_Restore". but no matter how much i tried, i always see a popup window that shows: The iPhone "xxxx iphone" could not be restored because the firmware file is not compatiable".
and if i bypass the shift+restore step in the video and just follow the text version, my iphone will still hang on the 3 reboot screen in redsnow 0.7.2 or 0.8.0 version. i thought maybe because i was using vista so it doesn't work and tried it on XP pro and still doesn't work.
hell, i even put the iphone in DFU first before running redsnow. i put the iphone into DFU by leaving the phone on, and holding down the pwr for 3 sec. till the slide to turn off shows up. then while holding the pwr, i also hold down the home key, till i heard a undock sound from the computer, then i release the power. by then the iphone will be in DFU.
but even when trying that way, it still hangs on the 3rd reboot in redsnow. i can hear the sound of the iphone being disconnected and reconnected onto the computer for the 3rd reboot, but after that is just hangs. also, i even try to unplug and replug, but still no go.
am i screwed?
the phone is not activated, which i've read that it doesn't need to be activated in order JB.
having said that, the video shows that from itune, you hold down shift key + restore and then select the "iPhone1,2_3.0_7A341_Restore". but no matter how much i tried, i always see a popup window that shows: The iPhone "xxxx iphone" could not be restored because the firmware file is not compatiable".
and if i bypass the shift+restore step in the video and just follow the text version, my iphone will still hang on the 3 reboot screen in redsnow 0.7.2 or 0.8.0 version. i thought maybe because i was using vista so it doesn't work and tried it on XP pro and still doesn't work.
hell, i even put the iphone in DFU first before running redsnow. i put the iphone into DFU by leaving the phone on, and holding down the pwr for 3 sec. till the slide to turn off shows up. then while holding the pwr, i also hold down the home key, till i heard a undock sound from the computer, then i release the power. by then the iphone will be in DFU.
but even when trying that way, it still hangs on the 3rd reboot in redsnow. i can hear the sound of the iphone being disconnected and reconnected onto the computer for the 3rd reboot, but after that is just hangs. also, i even try to unplug and replug, but still no go.
am i screwed?