Last night I decided I wanted to jailbreak my iPhone. PwnageTool worked nice, but when I restored all of my App icons reset to the default springboard locations. I didn't care much because I knew where they were, but then iTunes started syncing all of my Apps on my computer... so while it was doing that, it was erasing the ones I already had on my iPhone... great. I didn't sync my Apps before... I did all of my installs and uninstalls right on the iPhone. Anyways... after I got that all sorted out, I tried SSHing into my iPhone (because OpenSSH was installed) and it wouldn't let me! I typed in the ip address correctly and I used root as the user name... I also used the default "alpine" password and it refused to let me connect. Yes, I understand it takes a few minutes on the first connect, but it would disconnect immediately after I started. To make a long story short, (too late), I unjailbroke my iPhone and restored with the official firmware and restored to a backup that was made before I jailbroke. By the way, my springboard layout still didn't go back to the way I had it... they were all mixed up. Then iTunes refused to NOT sync my Apps. If I unchecked sync Applications, it just erased all of my Apps. Anyways, all is back to normal, I guess I'm just going to sync my Apps from now on. This makes me wish I never decided to try and jailbreak. It used to be so easy *sigh*.