I have a linux cvs server who's accepted both other linux and windows machines. Here I am with a MBP, mac newbie, (well no - I had a job we used macs about ten years ago and I hated them almost as much as I hated visual age). But I got so sick of the crappy windows machines and I saw this mbp in the shop and thought this is a good machine, it has a unix interface if I get tired of the mouse...
I'm happy. It is a good machine. This isn't a complaint, if you thought this was a set up. I was just waxing a bit. Friday night. You know.
I'm having this problem with cvs. There's some little thing I'm missing. I can ping the server, I can ssh. But using the same CVSROOT as the other machines, I can't get on. It hangs. I've turned the firewall on the server off - same thing. Is there some syntactical difference in the osx dev tools' cvs that I'm missing?
I'm happy. It is a good machine. This isn't a complaint, if you thought this was a set up. I was just waxing a bit. Friday night. You know.
I'm having this problem with cvs. There's some little thing I'm missing. I can ping the server, I can ssh. But using the same CVSROOT as the other machines, I can't get on. It hangs. I've turned the firewall on the server off - same thing. Is there some syntactical difference in the osx dev tools' cvs that I'm missing?