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macrumors regular
Original poster
Nov 24, 2003
hello! i'm a fan of and the mp3's they offer there, but for some reason when safari was updated a little while back i was no longer able to download the mp3's. when i ctrl-click on the buttons and select "save link to disk", the save dialog that pops up doesn't actually link to the file. i can do this fine on Windows-based machines and the old Safari used to work, so something is weird. Instead of the filename, the text in the save box is "download.cfm", and this just isn't the way to download the music.

i can listen to the mp3's if i click on them, so the links are good. it's just something in safari. i also tried it in firebird and had the same problem.

thanks for the help!
mnkeybsness said:
it works fine for me... it just took a really long time to load the first time i clicked on it.

so when you control-click on the "download now" button, you don't see "download.cfm" in the box that shows the title of the file you're downloading?
realityisterror said:
click the download now button. wait until it loads completely. click the downward pointing arrow on the right. choose save as source. have fun.


i feel really stupid for needing more help with this, but the "save as source" option is greyed out. i can't select it, basically. the file will load in the quicktime player, i can listen to it, but the "save as source" doesn't work.

weird, huh?
cjc343 said:
No, it isn't weird.

You were told to use a Quicktime PRO feature. If you don't have pro, that method will not work.....

I will experiment and see if I can help....

here's another method. click the link and stop loading the mp3. put your cursor in the address bar, and hold option while pressing enter. that will download whatever is in the bar. was going to mention it originally, but the above method is easier. forgot it was pro only. :rolleyes:

realityisterror said:
here's another method. click the link and stop loading the mp3. put your cursor in the address bar, and hold option while pressing enter. that will download whatever is in the bar. was going to mention it originally, but the above method is easier. forgot it was pro only. :rolleyes:


when i do this, all that happens is that the page reloads and the mp3 starts playing again from the beginning-- same thing that happens when i just hit enter. it's almost like it's not noticing that i'm holding option down.

thanks for your help!
Okay, get Speed Download... you can find it on macupdate or versiontracker...

Copy the URL from the song.

Go into the SD menus, there is the option "Start new download" somewhere (or something like it) click on it.

A dialoge box will pop up. for the download URL, paste the correct URL.

Sorry if this seems vague, it is because I don't have SD anymore.....
I have a easy way that I use. Simply play the song in Safari. It should open as just the mp3 on a page. Then go to the file menu and choose save. If the url = the mp3 (or other file fomat), then it will save that to the disk. Hope that this helps.
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