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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Feb 15, 2017

So I just a couple of days ago signed up with Verizon on my current iPhone SE (was bought unlocked and activated with the new service SIM), and chose the single line 5gb/mo plan.

I'm trying to sign up with Apple upgrade program now, because I want to replace my current phone. I've selected to replace my current phone, with Verizon as the carrier, and filled out all of the options, and filled in the first three questions - phone number, billing zip, and last four digits of social security.

But I receive slightly different error messages - one on, and the other through the Apple Store app. Both say that my current plan are not compatible with iPhone. One the Apple Store app, it reads:

Your current price plan is not compatible with the iPhone. You can proceed by activating a new Verizon Wireless account now or visit a Verizon Wireless store to change your voice plan which is compatible with the iPhone.
The one on Apple's website is shorter, and reads:

Your current plan is not compatible with iPhone. Visit an Apple Store and we'll help you set up a plan that is.​

So, I'm aware that prepaid wireless accounts don't work with Apple's upgrade plan, but this is a post-paid plan on one of the major four carriers. Is this something to do with it being a single-line plan, which I doubt? Is it that my account is fairly new? (The first bill did post, so I imagine that the system would be fully registering me now and should be recognized.)

It's not saying that it doesn't recognize the service, but that it isn't compatible somehow. I'm not sure if going to try to sign-up in person at an Apple store would be able to work around this or not. The nearest one is half an hour away, so I don't really want to show up there and not be able to proceed.

I did search for the error messages, and haven't seen anything about what I'm experiencing, so I thought that asking here and probing it a bit with others might be useful.

Any guidance or insight would be helpful.
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