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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Jan 5, 2019
Hey folks, so this is an odd question, but one I can't for the life of me figure out. For reference, I’m running both the latest versions of iTunes and Mojave on my 2015 MacBook. (I did recently update all my software and apps, but this issue has only popped up in the last couple of days, well after I updated everything.)

Firstly, I have an iTunes library running from my Mac on an external hard drive. For about five years, the Music folder was located at "/Volumes/Hard Drive Name/iTunes Library". Recently, I had to point iTunes to that location again, and for some reason the artist folders are now located in the iTunes Library folder rather than the Music folder itself. (Side question: Would pointing to the 'Music' folder change this back to how it was supposed to be? Is there an automatic way of fixing this and merging all my music back to its original location?)

However, in the last couple of days, an odd thing has been happening. I'm currently re-importing high quality versions of my music that I recently acquired, and replacing the old versions. For example, when I added the tracks in, I ended up with two copies of Nirvana's 'Nevermind'. However, when I then deleted the old version and got the files off my computer, iTunes decided to also delete the new files as well. As a result, when I go to play the songs, it says they can't be located, because iTunes deleted the new files along with the original ones.

I've noticed that the same thing happens if I change the album title. Say I copy Nirvana's 'Smells Like Teen Spirit' so that I have two versions of it, then edit the copy's album details, the original song is then unable to be found, because its duplicate file name has been edited. It makes no sense to me.

Basically, what I've noticed, is that in the past, it used to add a suffix to duplicate files, so that in the music folder, it would read "song.mp3" and "song 2.mp3". Now, it's like it ignores this, and merges the two duplicate songs without my permission.

Up until last week, this had never been a problem, and I can't work out why it's suddenly doing this. If anyone can shine a light on my issue, it would be greatly appreciated!


macrumors newbie
Jan 24, 2011
A mere three years later...if you're still out there. I have this issue as well. Lots of time wasted having to reimport files I hadn't realized were going to be deleted. So now, if I'm adding another version of an album or just upgrading it with a higher bit-rate version, I make sure to enter a different disc number in the Get Info panel. This seems to work since the new files are preceded by the disc number, e.g. 2-01 Song Title. Then I click quickly on all tracks to make sure they are playing and I might even look in the finder to locate them. Kind of a pain but I think if all versions of said album have a unique disc number, it'll work. Right now I'm on Monterey 12.5.1 and Music
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