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macrumors 6502
Original poster
Jan 4, 2004
South Eastern MA
Some thing's wrong with my bondi iMac:( it's probably ram, cuz I can barely run 1 app. at a time. When I'm on Internet Explorer, I can only have 1 window open, and if I click a link that opens another, a popup comes up that says "There is not enough memory to create another browser window. Close some windows and try again." but I wont have any other windows open. I made sure I was only running 1 app, too. It never did this until recently. I'm running 9.2, and quite some time ago, I had 256 ram installed. I have 943 megs of HD space left out of a 4 gig. Does anyone know what the problem could be? I should probably post this in hardware, but I can't copy and paste it:( seriously... I'd love it if someone could please help. Thanks:)
This might be related to how Mac OS 9 handles memory allocation for programs. Unlike Mac OS X, which does this all automatically, in Mac OS 9 you (the user), have to specify how much memory an application can use. So no matter how much RAM is installed, the application could still have memory problems if it needs more memory than what is allocated for it.

To increase the memory allocated to an application (in this case IE), quit it and get info on the application in Finder. IIRC, you then need to choose "Memory" from the "Show" popup menu and increase the number in the "Preferred Size" box. Hopefully this will solve the problem.

and don't forget about virtual memory. have you been putting alot of stuff on your hd lately? you say you have about 1 gig left, so i doubt that's the problem, but maybe your virtual memory setting has changed. just a thought...
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