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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Jun 3, 2014
I have a strange problem with my macs at my workplace. It started from macOS 11.
I can reproduce it on macOS 11, 12 and 13. And on Intel and Apple Silicon.
We work with network shares from Windows 2019 and Synology servers.
It does not happen on the local HD or USB drives.
If I move a file to a folder on a share I can not open it by double clicking, cmd+O or cmd+↓
See this video:

If I rename the file after move, it works just as normal.

I have tried changing /etc/nsmb.conf
It looks like this at the moment:
# /etc/nsmb.conf - macOS 11.3 - 2021-04-29
# SMB configuration for macOS 11.3 <-> Synology
# Additional information:
# -----------------------
# Use NTFS streams if supported

# Soft mount by default

# Disable signing due to macOS bug

# Disable directory caching

# Lock negotiation to SMB2/3 only
# 7 SMB 1/2/3 enabled (default)
# 6 SMB 2/3 enabled
# 4 only SMB 3 enabled
# 2 only SMB 2 enabled
# 1 only SMB 1 enabled
# 7 == 0111  SMB 1/2/3 should be enabled
# 6 == 0110  SMB 2/3 should be enabled
# 4 == 0100  SMB 3 should be enabled

# No SMB1, so we disable NetBIOS

# Turn off notifications

# SMB Multichannel behavior
# To disable multichannel support completely uncomment the next line

# Some Wi-Fi networks advertise faster speeds than the connected wired network.
This is the output of smbutil statshares -a
                              SERVER_NAME                   file01-mb.sbt.local
                              USER_ID                       44784114
                              SMB_NEGOTIATE                 SMBV_NEG_SMB2_ENABLED
                              SMB_NEGOTIATE                 SMBV_NEG_SMB3_ENABLED
                              SMB_VERSION                   SMB_3.1.1
                              SMB_ENCRYPT_ALGORITHMS        AES_128_CCM_ENABLED
                              SMB_ENCRYPT_ALGORITHMS        AES_128_GCM_ENABLED
                              SMB_ENCRYPT_ALGORITHMS        AES_256_CCM_ENABLED
                              SMB_ENCRYPT_ALGORITHMS        AES_256_GCM_ENABLED
                              SMB_CURR_ENCRYPT_ALGORITHM    OFF
                              SMB_SHARE_TYPE                DISK
                              SIGNING_SUPPORTED             TRUE
                              EXTENDED_SECURITY_SUPPORTED   TRUE
                              LARGE_FILE_SUPPORTED          TRUE
                              FILE_IDS_SUPPORTED            TRUE
                              DFS_SUPPORTED                 TRUE
                              FILE_LEASING_SUPPORTED        TRUE
                              MULTI_CREDIT_SUPPORTED        TRUE
                              DIR_LEASING_SUPPORTED         TRUE


Has anyone else seen this behaviour and maybe has a fix?


Jun 30, 2007
Unable to duplicate with Synology.

On my Mac nsmb.conf has one line:

cat nsmb.conf

smbutil statshares -a

only shows shares from a QNAP NAS although the Synology is mounted and I can copy files to its shares and open them with the options you listed.


macrumors newbie
Feb 3, 2023
Hi, Jimmi

i have a similar problem here.. it seems to be a problem derived from the apple client smb.
I have 2 qnap nas in the office, the problem occurs when, in the first nas, I share a remote mounted directory from the second nas and I share it again on the first nas.
windows clients have no problems, they have full sharing privileges, all read, write, erase, execute..
Mac clients can't copy on that share, but they can erase files and browse all directories..
when copy files "error -50" occurs.
i did your same hacks in nsmb.conf but without success,
I think it's the name listed in the mount point, the path in smb.conf of the server (or nas).
mac clients don't like it for some reason..
I tried prevent macOS from reading .DS_Store, but no luck..
with the command in terminal:
defaults write DSDontWriteNetworkStores -bool TRUE

I have to investigate... more

neverending Sto..
could this help?

Last edited:


macrumors newbie
Original poster
Jun 3, 2014
Hi, Jimmi

i have a similar problem here.. it seems to be a problem derived from the apple client smb.
I have 2 qnap nas in the office, the problem occurs when, in the first nas, I share a remote mounted directory from the second nas and I share it again on the first nas.
windows clients have no problems, they have full sharing privileges, all read, write, erase, execute..
Mac clients can't copy on that share, but they can erase files and browse all directories..
when copy files "error -50" occurs.
i did your same hacks in nsmb.conf but without success,
I think it's the name listed in the mount point, the path in smb.conf of the server (or nas).
mac clients don't like it for some reason..
I tried prevent macOS from reading .DS_Store, but no luck..
with the command in terminal:
defaults write DSDontWriteNetworkStores -bool TRUE

I have to investigate... more

neverending Sto..
could this help?

Unfortunately these problems are not like mine. The articles did not help.
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