I'm having trouble with my 6+ on Verizon. For the past three weeks I've had people call me and it doesn't ring but on their end it rings and rings and then goes to voicemail. I only find out that someone called when I get a voicemail alert. I'm in areas that I have service so that shouldn't be an issue. It doesn't happen every time so they can't figure it out. I also have been traveling lately and when my phone goes into "Extended" and I will have 4-5 bars I'll try to make a call and I get a message that says to enter the ten digit number and don't press send. I then have to look up the number and enter it to get a call to go through. They said its doing that because I'm not in their coverage area but it's showing 4-5 bars so I assume that I would be on another tower because of the signal strength. Anybody else having these issues?