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macrumors regular
Original poster
Feb 27, 2002
We are running a Mac server (10.6) in our school district to share videos that teachers have created. I have found that Internet Explorer and Firefox could have a problem viewing the videos, but have found the fix for that if needed in this knowledge base article:

The problem that we are having involved uploading audio or video as an attachment to a wiki. This error only occurs when a teacher is using Internet Explorer, which is the vast majority of our users.

What seems to happen is when uploading a video with any other browser, the wiki creates code like this:
<a class="attachment quicklookable" href="/groups/ourgroupname/wiki/69e6e/attachments/bc1c7/Saving%20as%20an%20mp4% 20%281%29.mp4">
<img src=" g%20as%20an%20mp4%20%281%29.mp4.png" name="{"isMovie": true, "width": 640, "height": 360}" title="Download file "Saving as an mp4 (1).mp4"" longdesc="/groups/ourgroupname/wiki/69e6e/attachments/bc1c7/Saving%20as%20an%20 mp4%20%281%29.mp4" alt="Download file "Saving as an mp4 (1).mp4"" class="attachment_handle_img quicklookable">
<span class="quicklook"></span></a>

When you upload the same file with Internet Explorer, it creates code like this:
<a class="attachment quicklookable" href="/groups/ourgroupname/wiki/69e6e/attachments/d1747/Saving_as_an_mp4_%281%2 9.mp4">
<img src=" g_as_an_mp4_%281%29.mp4.png" alt="Download file "Saving_as_an_mp4_(1).mp4"" class="attachment_handle_img quicklookable" longdesc="/groups/ourgroupname/wiki/69e6e/attachments/d1747/Saving_as_an_mp4_%2 81%29.mp4" title="Download file "Saving_as_an_mp4_(1).mp4"">
<span class="quicklook"></span></a>

The user see no errors, and can downlad their video, but can not use the quicklook function of th wiki. I have see this happen for .mp4 and .mp3 files, but .pdf files seemed to work correctly, no matter the which browser uploaded the file. Any idea why the browser a user has would cause the wiki to create different code when a video is uploaded? I was hoping the local genius bar would be able to help, but they had no ideas.


macrumors 68000
Feb 26, 2011
If you don't get an answer here soon enough, I'd recommend you either call Apple directly and pay for the support. Or, just upgrade to Lion server and you'll get a newer version of the Wiki plus 90 days support.


macrumors 68000
Feb 26, 2011
You can, and probably should, run Lion Server in a VM for some testing. There's no point upgrading your production machine if it isn't going to work.


macrumors regular
Original poster
Feb 27, 2002
Daniel335e - Easier said than done! Unfortunately, that's not something I can control.

DustinT- Without a doubt. Not going to release it unless it actually fixes our issues without creating new ones along the way.
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