I've always hated true tone because it makes the screen more yellow. You convinced me to test it out again, let’s see if I can last an hour this time.
Just curious but why does everyone want True Tone on?
Apples giving you the tools but not the context to understand the tools. This is about sleep hygiene.
Imagine drinking a half cup of coffee every hour between sunset and bedtime. The caffeine would keep you alert, cause you to fall asleep later, and make that sleep less restful. Melatonin is reverse caffeine, lack of it keeps you awake.
Your body relies on the sun going down to produce melatonin to put you to sleep. Exposing yourself to daylight colors (screens without night shift or flux) after dark, retards melatonin production, tricking the brain into thinking it’s still day, producing daytime energy at night. It’s invigorating but done often is also expensive to your health.
The problem with true tone is it’s all or nothing. Beginners (people exposed to day colors after dark for years) see a sudden yellow and turn it back. Eyes are organic and need time to adjust. Leave TT off and start with night shift. It has a slider so you can start with just a little and increase over time. Turn NS on and start with the least yellow option and increase only one notch every week or two.
Over time your eyes will accept warmer colors and over time it will feel more neutral/natural and over time blue after dark will feel awkward. Provided the rest of your lighting is also warmer. If there are 10 light sources between your sofa and pillows and only one is yellow, your eyes will take the average and it won’t work. So for the test period, turn off most non warm lighting.
In a hurry, here’s a faster test: buy a bottle of liquid melatonin. Put 5-10 drops under your tongue as you’re going to bed. If you are melatonin deprived, sleep should begin much faster and go deeper than you are used to.