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macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Aug 17, 2003
Boston, MA
I am doing a presentation at work regarding a patient who presented to the hospital with diarrhea after travelling extensively throughout Africa and Asia. I thought it would be interesting to present his travel history (relevant to the types of infections to which he would have been exposed) as a series of maps with a traveling dotted line (similar to the way travel is designated in the old Indiana Jones movies. Anyone know how I can do this? Ideally I'd like to work it into a Keynote or Powerpoint presentation. Thanks!
If it's simple in one direction (up down left or right), then have the image without the line on one slide, and do a wipe in an appropreate direction to reveal the image on the next slide (that has the line on it). It will look ok if there is some 'meandering' to the line, but too much and it wont work. Something like Flash would do that well and just drop the flash animation in your keynote file...if you know flash that is..
Thanks, the wipe idea sounds like it just might work! I have not created any Flash animations in the past, but I would be willing to purchase Flash. Is it difficult?
Sort of....

It is difficult to make a good animation. But it wouldn't be too hard to do what your doing. But you would have to do all the tutorials that come with flash, they help a bunch.

Plus, it's expensive, but it's a fun little application. I don't know how important this project is, but it might be too much effort and not enough gratification if you go out and buy flash.

I tried to do that exact same effect about a year ago.

I tried to do it in various problem and finaly picked Flash. Flash is not for the faint of hearth but I think you can manage to learn how to do it in less than a day. The trick I used was not to draw the line longer with each frame but to "pull" the line from one point to the other (using way points so the travel path wouldnt be a straith line) and let flash compute the inbetween frames. Dont worry, once you do the tutorial you will understand what I mean...

The keynote solution may be used if you divided the travel path in a few segment and use a "disolve" filter to switch between pages. This would probably be the easiest solution.

The 'best' solution would be to export your keynote presentation (without the travel line) in quicktime (without compression) then import in Final Cut Express then add, for each frame, in photoshop an increment to the travel path. No need to say, this is a long and you have to learn FCE...

I think this is a great exemple how something that look so simple is, in fact, very complicated to do!

Good luck
I really don't know much about this stuff (ie: Flash, FC/FCExpress, etc.), but could you use red dots on a map instead of a moving line? Just take the map image, add a dot to the image, save the image as "Image1.jpg", for example, and then add another dot (and possibly a plane), to the image and save that image as "Image2.jpg", THEN use iMovie and make it progress quickly through each picture?

Of course, what do I know. I only learned how to use iMovie 2 weeks ago. :eek:
I really don't know much about this stuff (ie: Flash, FC/FCExpress, etc.), but could you use red dots on a map instead of a moving line? Just take the map image, add a dot to the image, save the image as "Image1.jpg", for example, and then add another dot (and possibly a plane), to the image and save that image as "Image2.jpg", THEN use iMovie and make it progress quickly through each picture?

Of course, what do I know. I only learned how to use iMovie 2 weeks ago. :eek:
That red dot approach will be painful if you have a lot of steps.....and you'll have to adjust the playback frame rate so that it doesn't go too fast.

I'd go with flash if you could and have the time - using arrows for each leg of the trip and a transition would be the quick and easy method.

If you're looking to buy Flash, I have a legit copy that I'm looking to get rid of plus two tutorial books (one for Flash and the other for ActionScript). It's last years version of Flash MX but it'll do everything you need plus if you decide you really like Flash, you can upgrade this version for $250. I'd be willing to part with it for $150 or so (including the books ISBN: 0201770229 and ISBN: 0201794829). 2-3 Day USPS priority shipping is included in that $150. I have 150+ eBay feedback and can do PayPal if you like. Up to you (or anybody else that wants it for that matter). I just don't use it. Box and everything are there.

Drop me an e-mail if interested (just click on my name over there on the left and click send e-mail). I tend to not check my private messages too often.
Simple animations are quite easy in powerpoint (or keynote) and you don't need fancy flash stuff, nor saving the "frames" as jpgs.
The easiest way is just to have the map in the background, and the path as individual, separate dots (filled circles) and have them "appear" and "hide" sequentially, using the animation tool (under slide show). Of course you can also integrate text, or use images (planes or wathever) instead of the dots. You can automate the steps or have them manual.
if you group objects they'll appear/disappear together

really it's easy, uses less memory, it can look very good and it's a lot less work than flash
play with it a bit, you'll see.
Thanks to all for the helpful replies. Unfortunately my presentation had to be given today instead of Thursday, and I had to go the low-tech, no special effects route. Still this discussion was very enlightening. Seems that the animation built into Powerpoint (and Keynote?) would have served my purposes well (as demonstrated by Don't Panic), though Flash is something I would be interested in messing with when I get some more time. Thanks again, Amin.
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