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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Dec 14, 2003
I presently am running 9.2.2. Bundled with my G4 733 was of course, 10.1. I currently have a static ip address given to me by my ips ( that was offered because they could not figure out how to get me up and running with a dsl . they are not that mac knowledgeable. I recently won a 10 gig ipod from a local apple reseller that will not run without 10.1.4, or run all the features of the ipod without 10.2. Since I have been running apple/emagic's logic audio 4.8.1, I have not have had to use 10.1 for anything. (4.8.1 will not run os 10. ) I have two questions: does it make sense to upgrade from 10.1 to only 10.2, or should I bite the bullet and buy panther 10.3.1? My second question is can I / is it possible to connect to my isp in classic enviornment? I have tried to connect using macpoet, given to me by my isp, and I have filled in all the correct addresses in tcp/ip when i am in classic enviornment, but i still get an error ID 6 in macpoet, saying the connection failed. The modem given to me by my isp is a zyxel prestige 600. If anyone here cannot help with these questions, could you please direct me to a site that could. Thanks?

For the ISP setting, you can set that up in the Network preference pane. Open System Preferences and click on it. Then pick Ethernet (right?) and select the Manual configuration. Enter your IP address and other info, then quit. It will ask you if you want to apply the changes, click "Apply", then you should be set. As far as Logic goes, someone else will have to answer for you.
Yes Classic depends on OS X's web settings, OS 9's settings are only effective when booted into 9. Get OS X configured and you'll be good--

And from what I hear, you'd be happier with Panther.

Thanks, guys, i'm learning. I found an answer on an earthlink faq.

I followed all the instructions. It didn't matter that it was an earthlink post. I just used my isp's addresses, etc.

It turns out I do not need macpoet to connect to my isp when i am in classic. I just clicked on the explorer 5.1 icon on the dock and voila. The directions also stated that this network configuration was specifically for classic in either 10.0 or 10.1 I made a duplicate of my network configuration for use in 9.2.2, and before I filled in the new configurations page, i named it " 9.2.2 macpoet " [my name for it], and before my eyes the addresses magically?? filled in. hmm.

counterfit: What is a reasonable (competitive price) for different tiers of broadband? A year ago, planetcable was all that was available for me for broadband here in Carlisle, PA. There may be others that i do not know about.

Thanks, Paulwhannel: Since i have 10.1 now, do you know of any issues with upgrading to panther?
Well, I'm not certain on your area, but check Sprint's pricing here. My parents pay $40/month for 1.5 Mbps cable. The latest check on CNet's bandwidth checker says 1738 Kbps, so it's usually around there. Maybe it's a 2 Mbps line now... Anyways, $10 less per month for three times the speed is a pretty sweet deal.
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