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macrumors member
Original poster
Dec 7, 2008
Um... yea... I was going through the quick pawn doing the hold power/home and it didn't work. itunes throwed up a message, dont remember what it was, then unhooked the phone and now the sob wont turn back on. If I plug it up to the computer nothing happens. I'm using a mac 10.5.5 I really need help here.
Um... yea... I was going through the quick pawn doing the hold power/home and it didn't work. itunes throwed up a message, dont remember what it was, then unhooked the phone and now the sob wont turn back on. If I plug it up to the computer nothing happens. I'm using a mac 10.5.5 I really need help here.

Did you try the home & power button down together for about 7 seconds?
Impt thing is to stay on 10.5.5 and not upgrade to 10.5.6 --> this way u can enter DFU mode via the iPhone connect to itunes.

recommend that u do a full restore on itunes using stock 2.2, then attempt a jailbreak using quickpwn for simplicity's sake. thereafter, if u want to upgrade to 10.5.6 make sure u replace the kext's otherwise u may experience "recognition" issues when plugged in to itunes for backing up / syncing.
OK. got it fixed. I held the home and power down. I should have tried that at first but i just freaked out when it wouldn't come back on. I'm gonna give it another try.
u should be in DFU mode for itunes to detect and do a clean restore to 2.2, only then do u use quickpwn (after stock restore to 2.2) to jailbreak. the last page u should see should be the "iHaz" page of the quickpwn prog.

dont really understand what u mean by quick quickpwn after DFU. that sounds a little jumbled up, steps wise.
u should be in DFU mode for itunes to detect and do a clean restore to 2.2, only then do u use quickpwn (after stock restore to 2.2) to jailbreak. the last page u should see should be the "iHaz" page of the quickpwn prog.

dont really understand what u mean by quick quickpwn after DFU. that sounds a little jumbled up, steps wise.

well the iphone isn't in dfu mode when i stat everything. I just run quick pawn and go that way. The last page i'm seeing is the "your in dfu mode, open itunes for new firmware" I have never seen the "IHAZ success screen"
Ok.. .here are the steps im taking.

with the ipone powered up as usual... I run quick pawn.

I get to the "building IPSW" screen put in my uid and pw and go

then It says "has your phone been pawned before" I click NO

Then It takes me to a series of steps then I plug in the phone, turn off the phone, hold the button sequence then it says i'm in dfu mode.

Then I get "close pwnage tool the put iphone in recovery mode, start itunes and restore custom firmware bundle..

And thats it... I get nothing after that. phone is off, hooked up, itunes doesn't recognize the phone is hooked up or nothing. I am getting the message "an ipod is detected, but couldn't be identified properly"

Now what?
The more I read I guess I should mention this. This is a new macbook. It is the aluminum body and all. It says it version 10.5.5 though. Dont know if it makes a difference.
You did close iTunes before you began the Jailbreak yes? Sometimes it's not safe to run a jailbreak with iTunes open.

I've tried it both ways. I'm thinking it just isn't recognized when it is in dfu mode. But I thought that was only 10.5.6.
You need a USB hub. And don't jailbreak unless you really need something from it.

Well... i'll have to get a hub then. Why shoudlnt I jailbreak it? I want the nintendo apps and the change my homescreen. Is it not worth it?
Ok, well i'm giving up on it now. Cant seem to get it working, cant seem to get help... The hell with it.
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