Dear Apple TV and Home Theater Forum,
Okay part question, part rant.
So, tsMuxeR v1.10.6 is not Snow Leopard compatible, very sad.
I've been messing around with MakeMKV and it's internal cli, but the app is really frustrating. The cli doesn't give enough info about the structure of the disc and I've gotten a few failures on particular titles.
Anyway, IMO tsMuxeR is the best BD mac utility I've found so far and I'm glad SM Labs brought it to the mac platform.
However (and I say this partly in jest), that developers must realize that if they want to develop mac software, they must also bear the burden of supporting impatient and generally high maintenance Mac users!
I mean come on, Snow Leopard's been out for a week already!
And, don't even get me started on Plex's incompatibilities.
So, has anyone heard of a fix, hack, super-secret beta, or alternative tsMuxer like app (GUI or CLI)?
Signed, Super Needy.
Okay part question, part rant.
So, tsMuxeR v1.10.6 is not Snow Leopard compatible, very sad.
I've been messing around with MakeMKV and it's internal cli, but the app is really frustrating. The cli doesn't give enough info about the structure of the disc and I've gotten a few failures on particular titles.
Anyway, IMO tsMuxeR is the best BD mac utility I've found so far and I'm glad SM Labs brought it to the mac platform.
However (and I say this partly in jest), that developers must realize that if they want to develop mac software, they must also bear the burden of supporting impatient and generally high maintenance Mac users!
I mean come on, Snow Leopard's been out for a week already!
And, don't even get me started on Plex's incompatibilities.
So, has anyone heard of a fix, hack, super-secret beta, or alternative tsMuxer like app (GUI or CLI)?
Signed, Super Needy.