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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Jun 19, 2009

how to get non-european maps to work on iDA


Current USA Map Collection the non-european maps(in example i chose california) the pak tool kit
3.extract the non-eu map pak file using pakextract from tool kit
*note its best to extract the maps into an empty folder since pakU the repackager will pack everything in the directory so if u have anything else in the directory it will pack it and it might mess up your map


4.rename all the file to european name (for example, aus for Australia)

Untitled2.jpg filelist.txt with a text editor and replace all the names again with the european name you chose(using find and replace tool makes this alot easier)

6.use paku.exe to rebuild the pak and make sure to rename to the the european name you chose (ex. aus.pak)


7. Open the ipa with winrar (or other rar/zip program), browse to

Payload\Sygic Australia & New\Map\aus

8. Drag and drop ur new aus.pak into the aus folder inside the ipa, the program will then re-compress to accommodate the new files

9. open the ipa in itune and THEN install it onto ur iphone 3g!

10. have fun!

Credit to superrama from xsellize (i changed it a little bit)

Pre-Modded Map:

Illinois -


I will update if people decide to make their own and share. Also if you are looking for a sample ipa, dl the Illinois version i prepared for you !
Never heard of Sygic or their products but thanks for sharing! I will wait for a pre modded 'Texas' map to come out to try it.
if you want texas, i have linked you the link to most of the USA map..dl the and just follow the tutorial

the sample ipa i spoke of is the Illinois pre-mod ipa (that is the cracked ipa with just illinois map only)
wow awesome! i wish there was a way to get the whole country though.

EDIT: Well, it actually works. Unfortunately the fact that it only works state by state is no good for me....but that's ok considering I only did it just to see what turn by turn is like on an iPhone. The experience was great, got me location quickly and accurately followed me. Bummer no text to speech. Can't wait for the real apps to come out!
It worked for me too, but I did not like how you cant search for a POI and you have to go thru groups or find it with an exact address.
Anything like that for the Navigon software?
They also only released European maps.

there is a way with european navigon but noone could figure out how to get search address to sygic is better then nothing

wow awesome! i wish there was a way to get the whole country though.

Originally the app came with 3 can try adding more and see what happen...
Maps were: aus, nzl, and another i forgot

It worked for me too, but I did not like how you cant search for a POI and you have to go thru groups or find it with an exact address.

yeah i agree, i wish it could do exact but street intersection beats nothing
my battery was draining and figured this was the reason. I uninstalled it, I'll wait for tomtom
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