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macrumors member
Original poster
Sep 4, 2008
Well i tried this method and it works great! Way better then LogMeIn on HTML mode which friggin refreshes the the screen everytime you click something even on WIFI it was retarded.

I have RDP setup as well but thats for backup purposes. In case if **** happens or the VNC server is down etc. I can always RDP into it but thats another story.

This will work on mac just readjust accordingly.

1. Basic networking knowledge required. and is a MUST.

2. Go to DYNDNS.COM and setup an account. After you setup an account and confirmed it etc. Login, after login. It should take you into the Account Summary page.

3. From there on th e left column LABELED "MY SERVICES" go down to ADD HOST SERVICES.

4. Type in any Domain you would want to have for instance:, service type leave it alone. And where it says IP ADDRESS click on the link Auto Detect.

5. After you see your new Domain name. go here:

6. Download it for your OS, in this case: Windows Update Client. This will automatically refreash your IP if you are a dynamic IP customer. Which im sure most people are not unless you are static, and if you dont know what this is then im sure you are dynamic.

7. After the application launches. Login using the same user info for DYNDNS.COM. It should automatically open your account find your domain and attach the appropiate IP even if your ISP refreshes it.

8. From another PC in your home, go to START > Run> CMD and type in: Ping and it should send back some replies. **NOTE: However if this doesnt fetch any replies then most likely your ROUTER is blocking the requests. From a linksys router you can find that option under: Security and "Filter out ANNONYMOUS internet requests" just uncheck teh box and save the settings. And if you go back to the Command Prompt and type in the same command: Ping whatever then it should send back some replies now. You can even ping the actual IP whatever your ip was and it should send back replies. This should confirm that your DYNDNS.COM service has been activate properly and is working.

9. Go to REALVNC.COM and download the VNC program:

10. Select the FREE EDITION. After download install it, and no need to get fancy just next next next next finish. Dont change any optioons just hit next until it finishes. After it finishes a box will popup with an VNC SERVER PROPERTIES, click on Configure password adn type in your own pass. and save and click ok.

11. You should now have a shiny new icon in your taskbar stating that the service is now on. Now lets configure it a lil bit. Right click the new icon and go to options click on the DESKTOP tab and make sure REMOVE WALLPAPER is CHECKED.

12. Login to your router (i cant help you with this.) And go to the PORT FORWARDING. And type in a service name, in this case VNC. you can do either multiple or single port forwarding doesnt matter. It seems to work better on Multiple for me. Type in the port number 5900 and end 5900 and type in the internal IP for the machine that will be reciving the requests. To get the ip just go to START > RUN > CMD > Ipconfig and it should show your machine IP address go back to the router screen and plug this info in. Save settings.

13. From your Iphone go to APP Store and download the program: Mocha VNC LITE.

14. Let it install and after it finishes configure it, by opening the program, it should take you to a screen with a huge POWER button on it. Click on Connections and it should take you to an edit screen, for server ip type in the new domain you recieved from DYNDNS.COM. leave the port settings alone. then for password type in your password you assigned it. After that click connect again and VIOLA it should load your PC now.

This works super fast over wifi and fast on 3g so i didint notice any changes really maybe a second slower then wifi but im happy with 3g on it.

this for is just for emergencys when i am not near a PC and has worked without a hitch. You can do this for JB or NON JB phones doesnt matter.
Good guide, but VNC's been a known commodity with the iPhone for a couple months now. The reason why there aren't a lot of threads about VNC'ing into a PC in the Hacks section is because most of the threads are relegated into the iPhone/AppStore threads...plenty of threads/guides about VNC abound there, just for future knowledge ;)
Sorry lol couldnt find a striaght through guide so i made one. No worries though this will get lost through archives and will be a thing of the past. Thanks for theinfo
Sorry lol couldnt find a striaght through guide so i made one. No worries though this will get lost through archives and will be a thing of the past. Thanks for theinfo

No need to apologize, it was a well written, thorough guide, especially for those interested in using DynDNS...just a bit late/misplaced is all, and there will be some people who will definitely get use out of this, as other VNC threads have been buried in the other forums as well. :)
Thanks for the guide i got to the step with the pinging thing and it can't get a reply. I think it is allowed but when i try to ping it it says 4 sent 4 missed or whatever. i tried to do the thing with the router but i can not find where to allow the annomyous people. Also when i try to connect on my ipod it says Information- Host has closed the session. Is that because i did it wrong?
Thanks for the guide i got to the step with the pinging thing and it can't get a reply. I think it is allowed but when i try to ping it it says 4 sent 4 missed or whatever. i tried to do the thing with the router but i can not find where to allow the annomyous people. Also when i try to connect on my ipod it says Information- Host has closed the session. Is that because i did it wrong?

Yea you should get that if the VNC session is closing prematurely which is good. because at least your iphone is reconizing the session.

What router do you have?

And did you setup the port forwarding accordingly? Because even if you access your domain name and or ip address it wont route because when the package is sent to your router, it gets stuck because it doesnt know how and where to go from there you have to physically tell the router that if a package coem in on port 5900 to send it to the following IP which should be the address of the machine you are trying to attach to.
i have the netgear router and i did set up the port forwarding i did the 5900 for the tcp/ucp (sould i have done it for only tcp or ucp or is both ok?)
i have the netgear router and i did set up the port forwarding i did the 5900 for the tcp/ucp (sould i have done it for only tcp or ucp or is both ok?)

Both is fine. If you can give me the model number to your router ill look up the security section about the annonymous requests.

FYI i hate netgear lol, i had one and ditched it for the linksys.
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