TV app seems to exist to try to sell you other stuff... not facilitate easy & effective access to stuff you already own... especially if it is not video purchased from the iTunes store.
For personal media like home movies, ripped movies, ripped TV shows, ripped music collection, photo libraries stored on Mac, etc, use the often overlooked
Computers app that comes default on
every AppleTV. It is much more like the
original AppleTV interface...
before Apple decided to maximize every nickel that could be extracted from users.
This app leans on home sharing and there are
plenty of tutorials for turning home sharing on and using it.
In my household- which heavily leans on AppleTVs hooked to every TV- Computers is the second most-used app, right behind the wonderful
Channels DVR app. We hardly ever use the TV app for
Computers (app) is ideal for home movie collections... and it is free, made by Apple. Give it a try and you may find it ideal in your household too.
One good tip: if you have a
LOT of home movie files (I have
hundreds from decades of family home movie accumulation), use a tagging app like Meta-Z or Subler and tag them as
TV shows instead of home movies? Why? Because tagging them as TV shows will organize them by season (year), so that- for example- if you have the last 20 years of "Christmas" home movies, you can know exactly where to find Christmas 2018... because it will be in Season 2018... instead of having to flip through them hunting for the
right home movie named Christmas.
To do this, in the tagging app name your season for the year, 2021, 2022, 2023, etc and insert your Episode ID as month and day 1126 (for Nov 26), 1225 (for Dec 25), and Episode (tags) numbered accordingly so that Episode ID & Episode will sort them into the proper order within each season (regardless of how they are named). This will get "episodes" shot later in the "season" showing towards the bottom of the list and those shot earlier in the year higher in the list. A busy year with lots of home videos will be nicely organized so you can quickly get to the one you want to watch when they are tagged like this.