Hi all, complete newbie here. My wife and I are separating so I will be moving to an apartment (rented) and need some advice on what is available for a video setup. I don't need much as my wants are minimal. I will not have cable or satellite as I don't watch enough tv to make it worthwhile (it will be used primarily for movies and local news). I will probably setup my iMac (or perhaps a new Mac Mini) as a media source, and also have an Apple TV as a media source if needed. I will need to get a TV and eventually a surround sound setup (but not now). I have never owned a widescreen or a flatpanel tv before; what size is appropriate for a room app. 11 feet wide? Since this is a rented apartment wall mounting is probably out of the question (or is it?). Any ideas for running and hiding wires? Thanks for the help.