To avoid the constant nagging message to upgrade I had a tvOS profile installed on two different iPhones running iOS 10.3.2.
Now on both phones the upgrade messages showed up again after a couple of month. After wondering what happend I recognized that both tvOS profiles disappeared.
So I deleted again the IOS 11 download and installed a new TvOS 11 profile.
Did it happen to you that it uninstalles?
I checked now the Apple certificate which is valid till may 2019. So can I hope that it will stay like that for that time?
To avoid the constant nagging message to upgrade I had a tvOS profile installed on two different iPhones running iOS 10.3.2.
Now on both phones the upgrade messages showed up again after a couple of month. After wondering what happend I recognized that both tvOS profiles disappeared.
So I deleted again the IOS 11 download and installed a new TvOS 11 profile.
Did it happen to you that it uninstalles?
I checked now the Apple certificate which is valid till may 2019. So can I hope that it will stay like that for that time?