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Jul 16, 2019

Issue: Screen Blackout While Using the Twitch App

I am encountering an issue where my screen intermittently goes black while watching videos on the Twitch app. There is no consistent pattern to when this occurs. Sometimes I can watch an entire stream without interruption, while other times the screen goes black approximately every 10 minutes. When watching livestreams, the chat remains visible on the right side of the screen, but during recorded VODs, the entire screen turns black. In both cases, the audio continues to play without issue.

This problem seems specific to the Twitch app, as I don't use other apps like Plex or local TV apps frequently enough to notice similar behavior. I did come across reports of a similar issue with the YouTube app (Monitor Black Out ?), but I haven't been able to replicate it since I rarely use YouTube for more than 15 minutes due to the ads.

Has anyone else experienced a similar problem, or can suggest a solution?
We watch VODs a lot on our ATV and it seems to be a bug in the app. We just have to pause and play again whenever it happens, sometimes very frequently. I haven't seen it happen in any other app, we use YouTube, Plex, Netflix, Hulu, Peacock, and a few other streaming apps. None of them have the same bug as Twitch.
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