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macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Jul 23, 2008
Orlando, Florida
Looking for a Twitter app that has push or make a sound when I have a new tweet without having to go into the app and check, for the iPad.

Any out there?
Try Twitterific. It's free but i have some issues with it pushing my tweets. I have yet to find something that actually works. But that might be a problem on Twitter's servers side.
I have never tried paid Twitter apps so there might be a better choice out there.

Edit: Oops didn't read your ? correctly. Those Twitter apps will not push your tweets if the app is closed.
Echofon used to work really well for me, but has recently stopped pushing Tweets, so now I have Twitbit which is working really well so far.

Obviously you'll need to pixel double at present as it's an iPhone App.
The officials twitter for iPad and iPhone is due out eventually. Until then, I use tweet deck, but options are lacking right now.
I like Twitterific on both the iPhone and iPd, but I mostly read, not post.
There aren't any good twitter apps for the iPad in my opinion. Hopefully the official app will be out soon, I just use safari to logon to twitter for now :(
I have both Tweetdeck and twitterific. The issue I have is I can not add a new person to follow in either of these. Am I missing the way to do that, or do I need to go to the web page when I want to add someone. Would it help if i registered for a tweetdeck account?
I have Twittelator for iPad and it is the best ipad twitter client i have seen, but it wont actually do what you are asking for and I don't know of any that will...

Can you set up a text plus account for your twitter text updates because if so you could do it that way possibly
Twittelator for iPad is def. the best UI thus far. My choice for now.

As far as push, the only twitter app that I know pushes is for the iPhone. It's twitbird pro and only pushes @mentions and @DM's from users that are also using the app.

Works well... it's just I only have 3 friends that actually use the app.
The use the paid version of Twitterrific. I hate the ads, plus it's good software, so I don't paying.
Tweetings for iPad is really nice and has push / sound notifications. I have started using it on my iPhone too.
Another vote for Tweetings. The most feature-packed I've used for the iPad.
Tweetings seems to have a fantastic list of features... perhaps even everything I want. But the interface doesn't look as much fun as some of the others. Personally, I plan on waiting to see the official app that arrives for the iPad, since Tweetie 2 is currently my fave on the iPhone.
Tweetings seems to have a fantastic list of features... perhaps even everything I want. But the interface doesn't look as much fun as some of the others. Personally, I plan on waiting to see the official app that arrives for the iPad, since Tweetie 2 is currently my fave on the iPhone.

To build on what I was saying about the interface... Tweets tend to be nice and small. The iPad screen is huge. I can't see the list of new tweets should take up the whole screen. The size of the iPad should allow developers to have multiple panels, with more going on at once. I looked at the screenshots in the App Store and it just looks like such a waste of space. But I do see the appeal, as the features list is very good.
On my iPod touch I run tweetie, which doesnt itself push tweets but if you get an app called boxcar you can get free push tweets and it'll open them up in whatever twitter app you choose. I have no idea if it would work on an iPad but someone should give it a try.
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