Hi Guys, I have a Mac Pro Quad Core 2.8 GHZ Mid 2010. Currently I have a OWC Mercury 3G 120 GB SSD, I use this for applications. I was given another SSD but another brand, Intel 320 Series SSD, 120 GB, and I want to use it to run 2 virtual machines with Parallels: One with Windows 7 Ultimate and another with Windows XP. The questions are:
1. - The OWC SSD uses Sandforce, therefore, is not necessary to activate the function TRIM in Lion. If I install the Intel drive will I need to activate the TRIM function, if I do that, not affected the performance of my OWC SSD? Stay with the same useful life time?
2. - When I put the Windows Virtual Machine into the Intel SSD, is necessary to activate the TRIM function in them?
Thank you very much in advance for your help with this.
1. - The OWC SSD uses Sandforce, therefore, is not necessary to activate the function TRIM in Lion. If I install the Intel drive will I need to activate the TRIM function, if I do that, not affected the performance of my OWC SSD? Stay with the same useful life time?
2. - When I put the Windows Virtual Machine into the Intel SSD, is necessary to activate the TRIM function in them?
Thank you very much in advance for your help with this.