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macrumors regular
Original poster
May 15, 2013
Even after doing a DFU restore and setting my iPad Pro as new, I’m still running into two bugs that I have not seen mentioned anywhere, so I wanted to check if others have stumbled into them as well.
  1. While using stage manager, the dock will at random times (feels like about once an hour, though I’ve had it reoccur within minutes) flash out of existence for a second or so. I do not mean that the dock will slide out of the way as intended - instead, it literally disappears and reappears without an animation. To me this feels like the dock process crashing and relaunching itself, but I cannot be certain.
  2. While using stage manager on an external display, the display will occasionally (as in a few times per day) lose its connection to the iPad for a moment. I’ve had this occur to me on two different displays and in both cases, the iPad also makes the charging sound immediately after (both screens also provide power to the the USB-C connection), as if the cable had been unplugged and plugged back in again.
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