I know the iPad has a number of flaws and weaknesses, such as no central file system, no printing, and incompatibility with many websites. However, I think the iPad's biggest weakness as a computing device is the difficulty in using it to type. While most of the other weaknesses are software and can be addressed in the future, the ability to type properly on the iPad is a hardware issue and can never be fully overcome.
I think for me, the main difficulty is not so much the actual typing of letters, which while difficult, one can begin to get use to it. I think the main problem is viewing and editing what you have typed.
The big problem is when you begin to type, automatically half your screen is obscured by the keyboard that pops up. This relegates most text to a much smaller section on the top of your screen. It sometimes reminds me of those old word processors that had 3 or 4 line screens on them. You end up not being able to see most of your document. Then when you want to quickly navigate through the document, its hard to scroll with that keyboard in the way, and while you can get rid of it, that takes time to keep popping the keyboard up and down.
Also, while the copy/paste is a noble effort on Apple, I find it hard to use and no where close to as accurate and easy as using a mouse. I find it takes a few tries to line it up correctly for it to select the text I want. It also seems slow popping up the select button or copy and paste buttons.
Another thing is moving text around the document is seemingly impossible, just given the nature of the touch screen. And having no arrow buttons makes things very difficult.
Overall it just is not an ideal user interface for typing, and I don't see how it could ever be, even if it was improved. While I love the form factor of a flat touch screen device, I can't ever seeing it beat typing on a notebook with a physical keyboard.
I think for me, the main difficulty is not so much the actual typing of letters, which while difficult, one can begin to get use to it. I think the main problem is viewing and editing what you have typed.
The big problem is when you begin to type, automatically half your screen is obscured by the keyboard that pops up. This relegates most text to a much smaller section on the top of your screen. It sometimes reminds me of those old word processors that had 3 or 4 line screens on them. You end up not being able to see most of your document. Then when you want to quickly navigate through the document, its hard to scroll with that keyboard in the way, and while you can get rid of it, that takes time to keep popping the keyboard up and down.
Also, while the copy/paste is a noble effort on Apple, I find it hard to use and no where close to as accurate and easy as using a mouse. I find it takes a few tries to line it up correctly for it to select the text I want. It also seems slow popping up the select button or copy and paste buttons.
Another thing is moving text around the document is seemingly impossible, just given the nature of the touch screen. And having no arrow buttons makes things very difficult.
Overall it just is not an ideal user interface for typing, and I don't see how it could ever be, even if it was improved. While I love the form factor of a flat touch screen device, I can't ever seeing it beat typing on a notebook with a physical keyboard.