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macrumors 601
Original poster
Jan 11, 2007
North Central Florida
Former wrist problem sufferer here. Back when i worked full time, i had to have my keyboard low, and tilted to the back to keep my wrists in line with my arms.

Today, i can height adjust my chair and use the Apple keyboard on my MBP, and it is "good enough". I basically type with my arms on the desk and no pressure on the wrists.

I love typing on my ipad in my lap. i'm fast at it (i think anyway), and it works well. Except i do miss the space bar a lot with my thumb for some reason. Still working on that aspect!

But i can't type on my daughters in the Apple Case with the tilt. It bugs my wrists, i'm slow, and i quickly decided that it was not a priority for me to have a case with an angle.

I feel like some kind of iPad typing freak because of it! :eek:

So i was wondering if there was anyone else out there like me? :D
To me it is natural because my keyboards are slanted so not typing on a slant is difficult.
I made an effort at typing on this thing like a QWERTY last night and failed anyone typing that way successfully?
^clearly some lady in Florida is. ;)

The freaky one.

I've been meaning to ask you what kind of mileage you get in that Yugo - i need something that gets better than the 18 the den mom van gets. We have lots of junkyards here in redneck country - i might be able to dig one up! Might even find one at the junkyard next to my mailbox ;)

I'll have to find a typing test page and see what speed i can accomplish on it... while i sit in the waiting room at speech in the spot with no working 3G yesterday :mad:
I use "curved" keyboard on my office and home desktops but still have normal on my ThinkPad W510 so using the iPad was not hard at all.

In fact, I have been pleasantly surprised at how usefully the iPad keyboard has been.
If I'm hunched over my desk, well not really hunched just sitting up close to it, I prefer it being flat. However I'm very flexible in how I use it, so anything works for me really :)
I varied on the typing test between 41-71 words per minute, depending on who was coming and going out of the waiting room.

Which is fine by me, i haven't done one on the computer in so long i have no clue what it would be! Gee, i have my BT keyboard with me, i should try it when these kids go back to their therapists.

But i for sure dont feel like it slows me down, in fact i was hesitant about the idea of a touch screen keyboard for the computer, and i think I could actually use it...
Count me as another person who's been pleasantly surprised by how quickly I can type on the iPad keyboard. It's generally been in my lap when I've typed longer things, but I've been able to pount out 500-word assignments on it pretty quickly.
You're not alone. I also have wrist problems and regularly type on the iPad while it's laying flat. I have an Apple case sitting on a shelf after using it for a single day. The tilted option was a nightmare to type on for me.
Obviously everybody's different. I can type pretty quickly on a real keyboard, but on the iPad the keys are just too close together. I can't hold my fat fingers over the home keys and with all the moving around and no tactile feedback, it's easier to just type with my thumbs, or a couple of fingers while staring at the keyboard. Slant or no makes no difference because I'm holding it then. I like the slant for reading/viewing, and I turn it upside down and prop the thick edge of the wedge on my chest when reading in bed sometimes. The iPad is probably never going to be a heavy productivity/input device for me, unless I use a BT keyboard. Then if I have to carry extra stuff, I might as well get a 13" laptop.
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