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macrumors 6502
Original poster
Jul 4, 2007
Just behind you

It looks like I'm the only person who actually uses and cares about iCloud Web services.

I think they're quite snappy and look very clean. My only problem really is that I cannot send email with my own domain from mail. Also they have not really improved in nearly 10 years...

I know Apple does not really invest into web services - and that's why I do believe there is a real market for Apple to go for personal homeserver like Synology (read more).

Anyway I'm taking the challenge to tweak Gmail services UI with simple CSS overwriting (via Stylish or Cascadea) so they become as clean as iCloud. I know, the Gmail UI is about to change in the coming weeks but hey, i'm nerdy enough to find this fun :)

So I decided to share my first tweaks(.txt on Dropbox). I only started a hour ago... things will surely improve. If anyone is interested in helping me...


Well here is the tweaked calendar (txt)
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