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macrumors regular
Original poster
Aug 28, 2008
In my UINavigationController's navigation bar, I am using black opaque style but I need the left navigationitem button to be slightly more dark than the one currently appearing. How can we make them more darker?
On the right hand side I amusing an image for showing a help option and for that I make use of an image, [UIBarButtonItemStyleBordered]. The problem here is that I am getting two borders on this navigationitem, how can we remove this border. It seems to me that for the black opaque styled bar the application is drawing that border
In my UINavigationController's navigation bar, I am using black opaque style but I need the left navigationitem button to be slightly more dark than the one currently appearing. How can we make them more darker?
You don't have access to any kind of tint color for a UIBarButtonItem.
On the right hand side I amusing an image for showing a help option and for that I make use of an image, [UIBarButtonItemStyleBordered]. The problem here is that I am getting two borders on this navigationitem, how can we remove this border. It seems to me that for the black opaque styled bar the application is drawing that border
Um, it's probably drawing a border because you told it to, via the UIBarButtonItemStyleBordered. Try using UIBarButtonItemStylePlain instead.
By making use of addSubview to UINavigationBar and adding images with desired color depth you can achieve this functionality. The only thing is that as I am adding in RootViewController of a navigation based project and when goes to next screen via a push then you still have the same set of subviews that you have added in your previous screen. I think using this method one can have custom UINavigationBar.
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