i use navigationController in the application that i develop. At a certain point i push a new controller to stack but i cant see it in navigation controller's controllers list but the new pushed view controller can be seen in the screen. Why navigation controller's stack return wrong array ?
Here my code is
SignInVc is the view controller class that i push and can be seen in screen but not in navigation controller's stack.
Here my code is
self.mainNC = [DELEGATE.grabStoryboard instantiateViewControllerWithIdentifier:@"giveAdNC"];
if (![Fucntions readPlistFile]) {
[self.mainNC pushViewController:[DELEGATE.grabStoryboard instantiateViewControllerWithIdentifier:@"signInVC"] animated:YES];
NSLog(@"TOP VIEW CONTROLLER %@", self.mainNC.viewControllers);
SignInVc is the view controller class that i push and can be seen in screen but not in navigation controller's stack.