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Original poster
Dec 15, 2006
Montréal, Canada
just throwing this out there incase it is actually possible, but i'm fairly sure it's not possible to programatically code a UIView with rounded corners? the reason i ask is so that i can clip a view within the rounded corner view during an animation (rounded corner view moves, clipped view is static), while being above other views.
humm... apparently layer has a corner radius property in SDK 3.0... unfortunately i can't seem to simply tell my uiview's layer to change it's corner radius like so:

self.myView.layer.cornerRadius = 50;
cornerRadius in CALayer

To get the cornerRadius to work with UIView's backgroundColor, you need to set clipsToBounds = YES. Just in case you might have run into that problem!

This page has more info on using CALayer properties like that:
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