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macrumors 6502
Original poster
Sep 14, 2009
Have a look here (

I noticed that on the screen it says £2.49 Rent HD, however if you read the blurb about it clearly states "SD rentals start from just £2.49, and HD rentals from £3.49." It's also at the very top of the page, and makes it look quite a bit cheaper than it is, which technically is false advertising....
He's complaining because if anyone just glances at the pictures without reading the text then they'er going to think that HD rentals are £2.49 when they'er not, which is false advertising.
He's complaining because if anyone just glances at the pictures without reading the text then they'er going to think that HD rentals are £2.49 when they'er not, which is false advertising.

Exactly. Contradictory information - which do you believe? £2.49 would be lovely, but it's not going to happen.
Don't be surprised if £2.49 does happen.. but on OLD films that nobody watches..

Old films are £3.49, new ones aren't. It says "start from" meaning it's the lowest possible price, so $3.99 = £3.49 and no doubt $4.99 = £4.49.


How would you like it if you saw that iTunes was now selling all music for 49p, as it says on the huge picture front and centre, and then you read the blurb and you find it's 99p. It's not pleasant, is it? And more importantly, unless it's clarified, it's false advertising. I bet if this happened to Dell or someone, they would get serious abuse.
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