I am thinking of buying an Intel iMac as I am about to graduate and want to take advantage of my HE discount while I can but I have a few questions I hope osmeone will know the answer to:
1. What is HE Contract uplift that is the only option under Applecare when on the HE store (it costs about £50)? Could it be phone support (as all HE computers now come with 3 years warrenty)?
2. Is it worth upgrading the graphics card from 128MB to 256MB for about £40? Will it make that much difference in future if I want to play the odd game and maybe install windows for gaming only?
3. If I was to install windows on it, is there any way to stop it from connecting to the internet at all so that I won't get viruses and don't want to shell out for some Norton crap?
Thanks in advance for your help!
1. What is HE Contract uplift that is the only option under Applecare when on the HE store (it costs about £50)? Could it be phone support (as all HE computers now come with 3 years warrenty)?
2. Is it worth upgrading the graphics card from 128MB to 256MB for about £40? Will it make that much difference in future if I want to play the odd game and maybe install windows for gaming only?
3. If I was to install windows on it, is there any way to stop it from connecting to the internet at all so that I won't get viruses and don't want to shell out for some Norton crap?
Thanks in advance for your help!