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macrumors 6502
Original poster
Aug 8, 2006
Just logged into the Apple UK store to see the estimated delivery date for my Mac Pro (+2GB ram, Bluetooth and ATI graphics card) has changed from 14th September to 2nd October :(

Has this happened to anyone else?

Sean :(
Well in Canada, my date hasn't been pushed back (yet at least) still Sept 14th. Will definetly update if there as any change though. that is a bummer to have you waiting period extended like that :(
Pretty sure Apple pushed it back because of X1900 XT supply issues due to the high demand of that card.

P.S. That's an educated guess :) :eek:
I've had the opposite experience: my order has been put forward (two whole days).

My order was for a Mac Pro with 3Ghz CPUs, a downgraded hard drive, Radeon, 2GB RAM, BT + Airport. The order was placed on Sunday, 20th August.

From the time I ordered, shipping was listed as 25 September and delivery on 27th. I have just checked the Apple Store to find that shipping is now estimated for the 21st (September) and delivery for the 25th!
Hmmm... Just checked...


Ship 11th Sept, Deliver 13th Sept


Ship 31st Augt, Deliver 11th Sept

Oh - I went with the stock 7300 video card...
seanf said:
Just logged into the Apple UK store to see the estimated delivery date for my Mac Pro (+2GB ram, Bluetooth and ATI graphics card) has changed from 14th September to 2nd October :(

Has this happened to anyone else?

Sean :(

Dang, thats not good - waiting till Sept. to order mine (damn bank manager) - at this rate I'll be getting it in time for Xmas! :D
Had a look at my order (2.66GHz, 2GB Ram, 500GB HD, ATI X1900, BT&AE)

Was ship September 12th, Delivered September 14th

Now ship Septmber 12th, Delivered September 21st:(

Funny thing is I checked Lunchtime today and the dates hadn't changed by then!

P.S. Ordered on 8th August
Lincoln said:
Now ship Septmber 12th, Delivered September 21st:(

Funny thing is I checked Lunchtime today and the dates hadn't changed by then!

P.S. Ordered on 8th August
I ordered mine on 8th August too. I've just logged in and mine now says ship 12th September and deliver by 21st September. This is at least better than the 3rd October, but what happened to the 2 day shipping?

Sean :)
I'm in the UK. Ordered on 8th Aug dates haven't moved since I ordered it, shipping on Sep 12, 2006 for delivery on Sep 14, 2006.

2GB, XT1900, AP/BT.
I ordered from Applestore UK on the 8th (7300GT but with Airport & Bluetooth). My shipping and delivery estimates have remained 5th and 7th September all along.

I don't like the delivery time increase. Last time I bought a Mac it took a week to get here from shipping email. 6 days to take a trip from Ireland to Holland to meet up with my display and then 1 day from Holland to London. Have thouse with increased delivery times ordered other stuff with their Mac Pros?
Glassbathroom said:
I ordered from Applestore UK on the 8th (7300GT but with Airport & Bluetooth). My shipping and delivery estimates have remained 5th and 7th September all along.

I don't like the delivery time increase. Last time I bought a Mac it took a week to get here from shipping email. 6 days to take a trip from Ireland to Holland to meet up with my display and then 1 day from Holland to London. Have thouse with increased delivery times ordered other stuff with their Mac Pros?

I thought if you BTO it it comes from China? My iMac left from Shanghai IIRC.
Glassbathroom said:
Have thouse with increased delivery times ordered other stuff with their Mac Pros?
Yep, a 23" ACD - sounds like you're onto something

Sean :)
I have a huge order, and the ship date has remained at 11th sept, but the delivery date has moved from 13th -> 20th sept.

I can only imagine that something on the order is out of stock at the original point of shipping, and as such, it all goes to another depot to be shipped at once.

I too ordered a 23" display...
Just spoke to apple. There has been a huge amount of orders - more than they expected, and that, coupled with some parts shortages, mean longer delivery times. Go figure! ;)

He did mention that the mac pros will be coming out from China...

Jeewhizz said:
Just spoke to apple. There has been a huge amount of orders - more than they expected, and that, coupled with some parts shortages, mean longer delivery times. Go figure! ;)

He did mention that the mac pros will be coming out from China...


Well I am surprised they said all that. I know of others on this forum that have recieved their Mac Pro in the UK 2 days after shipping email.
Sorry to hear about your date being pushed back. It's hard waiting! Like some others, I decided to order the ATI card separately (in my case, later) because I didn't want to wait. I ordered my Mac Pro (2GB RAM, otherwise stock 2.66 GHz config) on Monday with an estimated ship dat of next Monday. Apple surprised me by shipping yesterday :) (from Anaheim, CA).
My date was pushed back, but has now been pushed forward again to the original dates.
Having been bought forward yesterday, my order has now been put back to the original dates - ship on the 25th, delivery on the 27th.

Make your mind up, Apple!
Hmmm.. Ship date now back to 11th. Delivery 20th (was 11th). No big surprise. Apple shipping to the UK is shocking in my experience - and I avoid ordering from Apple where possible.

My Mac Mini took two weeks to ship - and I tracked it as it took a guided tour of Europe to get here... China->Amsterdam->Luxumbourg->Paris->Vanished somewhere mid-channel for 4 days->London->Glasgow. So much for their "up to 7 working days delivery". If they had flown it from Amsterdam to Glasgow it would have taken three days!

I had though Apple has got themselves sorted out when they confirmed my order in an hour insted of the usual 3 to 4 days.

Apparently not. Just as well I placed my order with the anticipation (if that is the right word) that I would not have the machine before the 25th.
Apple delivery dates are a black art, if my experiences are anything to go by. Things to take an inordinately amount of time to arrive, even things as mundane as an iPod mini or a case for an iPod video.

Shipping is by far the worst part of the Apple shopping experience. Presumably, because of the two day delivery time (for my order), my Mac Pro will be built in and shipped from Apple's base in Eire?
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