I recently got my 13" air maxed out, 4 gb ram 2.13 processor. When doing normal activities the fan is completely quiet but when I load some youtube videos the fan gets annoyingly noisy sometimes. I came across this thread with someone having the same problem, http://www.mac-forums.com/forums/apple-notebooks/219413-macbook-air-fan-issues.html , and he also posted a youtube video that looks jumpy on his air, and sure enough it also looks jumpy on mine while for others it doesn't; http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=By7ctqcWxyM&ob=av2e
I just wanted to see if other air users here were experiencing the same thing with the fan, or at least with the jumpy video. Apparently that guy fixed the problem by downgrading from flash 10.1 to 10
I just wanted to see if other air users here were experiencing the same thing with the fan, or at least with the jumpy video. Apparently that guy fixed the problem by downgrading from flash 10.1 to 10