I'm from Brazil and I'm a photographer.
for years i've been using windows to do all my work. Now i need to buy a notebook, so im going to switch to Apple.
After a week of web researches i found too many complaints on macbook.
here I'll list the most common:
1) Stains! pink, blue, brown, yellow...
2) Moo!! the CPU cooler makes too much noise ..
3) heat! brazil is too hot! i dont want a even hotter notebook...
4) baterry wont work..(only pluged...so...why is it a notebook?)
5) Shut down ramdonly! (u work is halfway done...and...it shuts down!!)
Has anyone found out if the latests MB are still showing this problems?
- wich serial number sould I look for? i heard that the ones made over week 25 are not showing stains...is it true?
- Is 512ram realy not good? (i do some light Photoshop work, ajust levels, curves and stuff on 6megapixels photos.)
- is a 60Giga hard drive too short? i heard after instaling OS X u'll have only about 35G left...is it true?
I'l going to buy a Mac cos it's supose to last longer than a windows notebook, it should't crash so often, and at its price range i cant get anything like it. and i'm tired of having to format my pc, having drivers problems etc...
Here in Brazil the white 2.0Ghz macbook costs about 1900 dollars (damm those tax, dutty and other crazy brazilian restrictions)
That's a looot o money to me, but I guess it will worth it IF i buy a good macbook. (replacing it will take about 30 days or more, cos Apple in brazil has no stock of macbook, they only get it by pre order.
Please help me out dudes! shoud i wait more? if so, 4 how long?
when and If i buy, what would be better to add on right away? more Ram or a bigger Hard Drive?
Thanks in advance guys!
I'm from Brazil and I'm a photographer.
for years i've been using windows to do all my work. Now i need to buy a notebook, so im going to switch to Apple.
After a week of web researches i found too many complaints on macbook.
here I'll list the most common:
1) Stains! pink, blue, brown, yellow...
2) Moo!! the CPU cooler makes too much noise ..
3) heat! brazil is too hot! i dont want a even hotter notebook...
4) baterry wont work..(only pluged...so...why is it a notebook?)
5) Shut down ramdonly! (u work is halfway done...and...it shuts down!!)
Has anyone found out if the latests MB are still showing this problems?
- wich serial number sould I look for? i heard that the ones made over week 25 are not showing stains...is it true?
- Is 512ram realy not good? (i do some light Photoshop work, ajust levels, curves and stuff on 6megapixels photos.)
- is a 60Giga hard drive too short? i heard after instaling OS X u'll have only about 35G left...is it true?
I'l going to buy a Mac cos it's supose to last longer than a windows notebook, it should't crash so often, and at its price range i cant get anything like it. and i'm tired of having to format my pc, having drivers problems etc...
Here in Brazil the white 2.0Ghz macbook costs about 1900 dollars (damm those tax, dutty and other crazy brazilian restrictions)
That's a looot o money to me, but I guess it will worth it IF i buy a good macbook. (replacing it will take about 30 days or more, cos Apple in brazil has no stock of macbook, they only get it by pre order.
Please help me out dudes! shoud i wait more? if so, 4 how long?
when and If i buy, what would be better to add on right away? more Ram or a bigger Hard Drive?
Thanks in advance guys!