Yesterday I thought it was about time to write my first iPhone app using Swift 2 and Xcode 7 beta.
I tried for a long time to import Starscream into my project until I discovered Cocoapods. I created a podfile and could install the framework into my Xcode project/workspace. I only had to convert the source to Swift 2 and fix some minor bugs for Swift 2. Everything worked fine, I could build for my own device and for the iOS simulator.
After a computer restart today, this isn't the case anymore. I can compile for my own iPhone, but selecting an iOS Simulator device doesn't work anymore. I keep getting the following error:
I put the source code on Github:
Anyone who can help me?
I tried for a long time to import Starscream into my project until I discovered Cocoapods. I created a podfile and could install the framework into my Xcode project/workspace. I only had to convert the source to Swift 2 and fix some minor bugs for Swift 2. Everything worked fine, I could build for my own device and for the iOS simulator.
After a computer restart today, this isn't the case anymore. I can compile for my own iPhone, but selecting an iOS Simulator device doesn't work anymore. I keep getting the following error:
/Users/Mathias/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/Liveblog-gffkwspwjvebzjfsmwwtxfpwnbct/Build/Products/Debug-iphonesimulator/Starscream.framework/Modules/module.modulemap:2:19: Umbrella header 'Starscream.h' not found
I put the source code on Github:
Anyone who can help me?