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macrumors 68000
Original poster
Feb 26, 2008
Ok so i had my iPhone jailbroken for about 5 months

last week i decided it was so slow i just gave up and went back, now it works well with no lag. I decided that Jailbreaking is so not apple. Apple is about excellent UI with minimal options as far as the end user and customization. They just make it good from the start. If you jailbreak u might as well buy a WM phone.

My opinion :cool:
Ok so i had my iPhone jailbroken for about 5 months

last week i decided it was so slow i just gave up and went back, now it works well with no lag. I decided that Jailbreaking is so not apple. Apple is about excellent UI with minimal options as far as the end user and customization. They just make it good from the start. If you jailbreak u might as well buy a WM phone.

My opinion :cool:

Another bunk "JB slows down your phone" story.

My very crude test:
Ok well thats your opinion, In my opinion a phone like the iphone should never be without some of the customizations available for it after you jailbreak, its just ridiculous that a company would make a product like that and skip the opportunity to not have some of the things you can get through jail breaking..
Another bunk "JB slows down your phone" story.

My very crude test:

i did not find the same results

again could have just been my jailbreak and if i had re done it, it would have worked better. Still it would be "marginally" slower and i really like what apple did with it. I really only used it for themes and well the only reason u have that is cuz it looks "cool" and i really could care less. I have the first iPhone sold in my area and i could give a s*** about what the springboard looks like. Apple made it like that for a reason and i trust them.
It's not simply about the look of the phone... that is a big part of it. I did the video on an iPhone.... apple wants to dictate how the phone I put down $499 of my hard earned dollars is used. Someone sends me a pic text, I have to go to a retarded web site that takes 2 hours to load just to see the pic. I want to record vid or sound on my phone, something my old razr did... Nope, sorry apple doesn't want me to do that.

For me, other than I CAN change the look of my $499 phone, it's about having the choice to do with my phone as I please. How many more phones has appled sold for the simple reason it CAN be JB?
Ok so i had my iPhone jailbroken for about 5 months

last week i decided it was so slow i just gave up and went back, now it works well with no lag. I decided that Jailbreaking is so not apple. Apple is about excellent UI with minimal options as far as the end user and customization. They just make it good from the start. If you jailbreak u might as well buy a WM phone.

Lemme guess... you had WinterBoard and MobileSubstrate installed, or you were using Intelliscreen, right?
TheSpaz in disguise???

Maybe you should have uninstalled some of the apps you had loaded on there.
i use winterboard , but only with one theme ever loaded at any one time, and i experiance no lag whatsoever even with customised fonts, apps, status bar ect.
i use winterboard , but only with one theme ever loaded at any one time, and i experiance no lag whatsoever even with customised fonts, apps, status bar ect.

thats basically what i did but still it would take upwards of 20 seconds to load SMS
I'm not one for theme customization, I'm pretty picky.

I've just installed SBSettings and PdaNet. Both are more than worthwhile.
thats basically what i did but still it would take upwards of 20 seconds to load SMS

How many text messages do you have stored in your SMS? Mine always opens almost instantly, but then I occasionary go and purge the stored text. (JB 3G with Winterboard, SBSettings, Status Notifier, etc)
How many text messages do you have stored in your SMS? Mine always opens almost instantly, but then I occasionary go and purge the stored text. (JB 3G with Winterboard, SBSettings, Status Notifier, etc)

not to manny i always come in under my 200 a month so not a whole lot i usually delete the long convos
I unjailbroke my 2G because of the lag. Had winterboard, cycorder and swirly installed and noticed everything slowed down. Uninstalled winterboard and it was still taking my 15 seconds to open the camera, 30 seconds for sms (!) and it seemed to have a hard time going back to my homescreen.

After I unjailbroke I kept hittiing the sms button being all "1, 2, 3 - 3 seconds!" :D Wasn't for me :cool:
uninstalling winterboard does not bring back the speed. you need to restore and then re jailbrake it.
I just did it and left out winterobard and put everything else back on and my iphone is nice and fast again.
now I enjoy it again.
but I do miss the weather on my lockscreen.
uninstalling winterboard does not bring back the speed. you need to restore and then re jailbrake it.
I just did it and left out winterobard and put everything else back on and my iphone is nice and fast again.
now I enjoy it again.
but I do miss the weather on my lockscreen.

thats the only reason i use it is winterboard
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