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macrumors member
Original poster
Oct 2, 2003
Columbia University
Wassup All?

I want to delete my old ichat (that came with my G4 titan. laptop), cos it identifies me by an old identity and I CAN'T CHANGE IT! I would like to have this app, tho... so I want to un-install then re-install a new version.

Does anyone know of software that will enable me to do this (or, perhaps-- does anyone know how to change their ichat original identity)??? It calls me by the ID I originally used while naming my computer, which I have since changed.

** ANOTHER iChat thing that bugs me is that, although I have clicked "save password to keychain" in login, it ALWAYS asks me for my password when I open the iChat app.! Any fix for this?


PS- also, if I need to d/l this stuff, does anyone know where to get it?
To uninstall iChat: do a search for "ichat" using coomand-f and elete anything iChat realted (i.e. ichat preferences).

To get it back: hmmm.. I can't seem to find a download for iChat AV on Apple's websote, but it might appear in your software update. Or, if it came with your computer, it will be on your system disks.
Re: Un-install old iChat; installing new??

Originally posted by Arielle
Wassup All?

I want to delete my old ichat (that came with my G4 titan. laptop), cos it identifies me by an old identity and I CAN'T CHANGE IT! I would like to have this app, tho... so I want to un-install then re-install a new version.

Does anyone know of software that will enable me to do this (or, perhaps-- does anyone know how to change their ichat original identity)??? It calls me by the ID I originally used while naming my computer, which I have since changed.

You don't need to uninstall it. Just navigate to your home folder then open the "Library" folder. Look for the "Preferences" folder and open that. Then just move all of the plist files that are*.plist. It will be like a brand new program.

** ANOTHER iChat thing that bugs me is that, although I have clicked "save password to keychain" in login, it ALWAYS asks me for my password when I open the iChat app.! Any fix for this?

This one might be a bit more difficult. If you do the steps above and it still gives you the Keychain error, try this:

Go to the Applications folder and open the "Utilities" folder inside of it. In there, locate the "Keychain Access" program and launch it. Now, I'm in 10.3, so if you're in 10.2, forgive me, but there should be a list of saved passwords associated with a specific username. If you're in 10.3, there's a "Show Keychains" button on the right side which will open a drawer with a list of usernames. If you feel comfortable, and remember all of your saved passwords, you can select your username and then go to the File menu and select "Delete Keychain..." to remove all of the stored passwords associated with your username. However, only do this if you are absolutely certain that you remember all of your saved passwords.

Dealing with Keychain can be a bit too much for a user, though. The reason it's asking for your password when you launch iChat is because the option to remember your iChat/AIM user password was selected, but something changed with your user after that. Sometimes, the Keychain just gets damaged, too.

Hope that helps. :)
Re: can i throw away the filez?

Originally posted by Arielle
move them where? garbage?

I try not to throw away plist files. I usually have a folder with old ones which I look at if I need to get an old setting I forgot to enable.
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