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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Apr 26, 2008
Hi again,

I'm UK based and I was given some great advice here a year or so back when I picked up one of the cheap £169 8GB 2G iPhones from O2 just before the 3G version was released. I unlocked and jailbroke it so I could use my existing O2 PAYG sim rather than activing it through iTunes and all has been well since, although, to be honest, I don't use the jailbroken stuff much. Maybe I'm missing the good stuff? I'm on hacked firmware 2.2 - it's been a while since I updated it. Anyway...

What I'm wondering is, if I update the firmware to the current official one, will I be able to officially/genuinely activate it to use my current O2 PAYG sim. I had heard you can use the old 2G iPhones on PAYG now. Is that right and if so how do I do that? I no longer (I think) have the O2 sim that came with the iPhone btw.

The reason I want to do this, rather than upgrade my hacked firmware like I already have done once, is that I have damaged the screen and would like to take it to an Apple store and see if they will repair or replace. Obviously if I showed them a hacked iPhone they would probably be unhelpful to say the least. Ideally, I'd like to be offered an upgrade to 3G, but am just interested to see what they say.

Any advice gratefully recieved.
Thanks. That worked well.

I'm having a little trouble with my apps now though. After resyncing them, none of them will start up. They all try to load for a second or two and then return to the main menu. I've updated them all and no luck. EDIT I just downloaded a new app and it all goes as normal until I try to start using it on the iPhone, then it just bounce me back to the main screen. Any ideas?

I'll be popping along to the Apple store and see what they can offer in way of repair or exchange. My feeling is they might offer a refurb for a price. I suppose if it's less than I can get for it on ebay then I might as well take it. Do I need to book a Genius bar appointment or can I just ask anywhere at the store? I'll report back later.
I had the same problem with bought apps. I solved it by deleting them all and then redownloading them from the App Store. It lets you do that free as it knows which you have bought.
Thanks but nnggh. That's not working either. Deleted all my apps from iTunes and the iPhone, redownloaded them and sync them and all is fine until I try to boot the apps.

I never had these problems with my hacked firmware! :rolleyes:


Ok, I figured it out eventually. I needed to deauthorize my computer then reauthorize it. Then redownload the apps. Phew.
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