Attempting to copy all of the data from my home folder to an external. Tried both CLI and gui. With gui I select the folder and copy, then try to paste to the external drive. I get an error saying that the folder needs to be downloaded. Navigating to it is via the finder, and of course I select the boot drive, then users, then my name. The get info shows creation date of almost 3 years ago. 141.97gb used. I don't understand why my data needs to be downloaded, especially since the 'Where" says it's on the Macintosh HD > Users. I understand Apple took away the cloning ablity, but why can I not copy my user folder to an external drive? I've been using macs for quite a while. I think I have the original model downstairs in a box with like a 5" display, or whatever it was. I had a CLI script for cloning which I used up until Apple took away that functionality. I don't see a reason to pay for a backup program since we can no longer clone anyway, I just want to copy all of my data. Any suggestions?
UPDATE: Here's a weird little factoid. I posted a very similar question in the apple community discussions. Apparently there's something wrong with my question because it was removed from my "subscriptions". I posted it again, and it was removed again. No notification from Apple as to why my question is inappropriate. I did take a screenshot of the 2nd one. Very strange.
UPDATE: Here's a weird little factoid. I posted a very similar question in the apple community discussions. Apparently there's something wrong with my question because it was removed from my "subscriptions". I posted it again, and it was removed again. No notification from Apple as to why my question is inappropriate. I did take a screenshot of the 2nd one. Very strange.
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