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macrumors member
Original poster
Mar 11, 2020
So I've had this ongoing little issue with Safari on my iPhone, basically I decided to go through old bookmarks on Safari I've had saved for years that I forgot about. It's my main iPhone browser, and no matter what I do no bookmarks will delete. I swipe and it instantly goes back in place, no normal method of deleting removed them. They're old non-important things I bookmarked when I was younger, probably on my 6s or 8+ (currently using a 14PM)

Is there a known fix for this? Otherwise its not a big deal, I've actually been trying out Brave Browser on iOS and I'm really liking it. I mainly use Brave on my iMac and for some reason my desktop Brave activity (history) is shared on Safari. Brave seems to work a lot smoother and faster on iOS so I'm thinking of switching over, is there a way to transfer over stuff like bookmarks and reading list from Safari to Brave iOS?
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