I keep getting an error saying what im copying is in use... Nothing is in use!! Its a friggen zip file... Ive rebooted etc, but I cannot copy files, it fails to sync every time!
I had a similar problem dragging files from my desktop into the web/sites folder - on top of this I was unable to delete 3 of the existing files on idisk. They would appear has deleted but then upon refresh or going back into idisk later the files would re-appear. I tried so many methods of deleting the files and overiting the files with no success.
What finally worked was moving the existing files in the web/sites folder to another folder within idisk. After this I was not only able to delete the recently moved files but also upload new files directly to the web/sites directory. I know its a bit of a silly way of doing things but I found it to be the only way! Since then however idisk has worked as it should with no need to carry out the above procedure.