I've been trying for the past few days to rip and encode my copy of The Da Vinci code with no lucks. I've been able to successfully rip and encode about 200 of my DVDs using RipIt and Handbrake and this is the first failure.
RipIt appears to work fine--completes the rip yielding an 8 GB .dvdmedia file but when I try to encode using Handbrake (0.9.4), the auto scan fails to locate the correct title (title 1--verified it by playing the film in DVD player)--isn't even available in the drop-down menu in Handbrake. I then tried to rip/encode first using VLC/Handbrake and also Fairmount/Handbrake and in both cases, Handbrake locks up during the auto scan of titles. I was able to select the title after mounting the DVD with Fairmount by choosing title 1 using the Open Source (title specific) option (took a long time to scan it) but once I start the encode, it finishes in a few seconds resulting in a very small file.
I thought maybe my disk was damaged/scratched but the disk plays fine in DVD player so today I borrowed my sister's copy to test it out and had the exact same results. I'm out of options and wonder if anyone else has had a similar problem either with this film or another and could suggest an alternate method.
I don't think it's relevant to my problem as it appears to be source related but for reference, I'm encoding using the
TV preset with the RF adjusted to 19 and decomb turn on with the default setting.
Thanks in advance for any help.
RipIt appears to work fine--completes the rip yielding an 8 GB .dvdmedia file but when I try to encode using Handbrake (0.9.4), the auto scan fails to locate the correct title (title 1--verified it by playing the film in DVD player)--isn't even available in the drop-down menu in Handbrake. I then tried to rip/encode first using VLC/Handbrake and also Fairmount/Handbrake and in both cases, Handbrake locks up during the auto scan of titles. I was able to select the title after mounting the DVD with Fairmount by choosing title 1 using the Open Source (title specific) option (took a long time to scan it) but once I start the encode, it finishes in a few seconds resulting in a very small file.
I thought maybe my disk was damaged/scratched but the disk plays fine in DVD player so today I borrowed my sister's copy to test it out and had the exact same results. I'm out of options and wonder if anyone else has had a similar problem either with this film or another and could suggest an alternate method.
I don't think it's relevant to my problem as it appears to be source related but for reference, I'm encoding using the

Thanks in advance for any help.