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macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Apr 12, 2012
Ever since I upgraded to iOS 11, I've been unable to (easily) type apostrophes. The apostrophe button on the default keyboard is replaced with a grave accent mark. Notice how the glyph is on an angle on the keyboard instead of straight vertical (next to the exclamation point).


If I want to type an actual apostrophe, I have to long press on the grave accent and choose the apostrophe from the options that pop up (the first option on the right).


It shouldn't be a big deal (most people still read the grave accent mark as an apostrophe) but grave accents are not ASCII friendly and the text fields on some forums I use don't accept non ASCII characters.

As it stands, whenever I want to type a contraction on these websites I have to go back and replace all the grave accents with apostrophes, going through all the trouble of long pressing to find the right character for each individual instance. This ends up being time consuming and inconvenient.

Is anyone else having a similar problem with their keyboards or know of any fix?
Both are apostrophes. Accent grave is something different. Using straight or curly quotation marks is mostly a matter of style. On macOS, this has been an option for some years ("smart quotation").

Have your checked your keyboard or language settings?
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