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macrumors member
Original poster
Apr 13, 2009
Riga, Latvia
I have a enterprise issued MBP that is managed via an MDM profile. Up until just yesterday I was able to connect to a Mac Pro server running at home for personal, non work related use. Because the Wi-Fi network at work blocked AFP/ARD/VNC and other ports, I used a VPN to circumvent that and then was able to connect using local addresses, but today suddenly and I am no longer able to connect via AFP and ARD. SMB still works though. I am on my home network with the same computer now and I am still unable to acces that Mac Pro. Tried restarting everything, changing configurations and even booting to a different partition (on the Mac Pro) and to no avail. Connecting from my girlfriends MacBook via the same means works just fine, both AFP and ARD. Could it be that the administrators have enforced some sort of block that is preventing me from using these protocols?


macrumors 68020
Aug 27, 2015
on the land line mr. smith.
It is possible. Look in System Preferences/Profiles, and you may be able to see either by the name, or when select a profile and scroll through the info...what it is blocking AFP (typically on port 548).

Might also be the firewall blocking 548 too.
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macrumors 6502a
Jul 17, 2005
North Carolina
Have you updated to Mojave? IIRC it was the Mojave update that disables AFP over a WAN connection. May also cause it to stop working over VPN. Not sure.
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