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macrumors newbie
Original poster
May 11, 2018
About three weeks whenever my iPhone 8 (iOS 11.3) connected via bluetooth to my car it would say "phone book update failed" over the car speaker. After unsuccessful attempts to fix this, I chose to forget this device with the intent of repairing the phone to the car. Now, the phone will not see the car or the car will not see the phone. I have deleted the phone from the car also. I have reset network setting multiple times. Did a hard reset and a soft reset. Turned phone on / off. Turned Bluetooth on / off. I reset the radio / Infotainment System with no luck. I tried a different iPhone 8 that was never paired with the vehicle and it paired right away with no issues. I called Chevrolet and they said that since other phones were able to be paired with no issues the problem is with my iPhone 8 software.

How do I unforget the vehicle in the iOS Bluetooth settings? Is there a know flaw with iOS Bluetooth forgetting devices? Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.


macrumors 6502a
Jun 12, 2013
When you “forget” the device, it should have no impact on re-pairing the device again. My guess is it could be your phone. Can you pair the phone with a different Bluetooth device?

Apple blogger

macrumors 6502a
Feb 28, 2013
Probably a software issue ... does your phone connect to any other Bluetooth devices? If yes, then it’s a software bug. Apple needs to fix it...

If any one else’s iPhone 8 running the same iOS version as yours can also not pair, then it’s definately a software issue.. otherwise, a hardware one might be there.


macrumors 6502
Aug 15, 2012
Broken Arrow
I have been having issues with pairing Bluetooth devices ever since 11.3.1 on my X. Never had a problem before so I am pretty certain that the issue came with the last update. Hope they get it fixed soon...:rolleyes:


macrumors newbie
Original poster
May 11, 2018
I can pair with other devices. I did some tests and 'forgot' my Bluetooth speaker and Bluetooth headphones. I was able to re-pair -- no issues. Now, when I paired the other iPhone 8 with the vehicle it worked fine. I deleted this phone from the vehicle phone menu. I did not 'forget' it on the iPhone itself. Now, it will not re-pair with the vehicle. Next I tried a friend's iPhone 7. Same thing. Paired with no issues. Deleted from vehicles paired device menu. Did not 'forget'. Now this iPhone 7 will not re-pair either.

My obvious assumption is that it is an issue with the vehicle software. However, I read on another site that iOS is known for having trouble re-pairing with vehicles after the first time. Not sure what the next step is. Very frustrated without hands-free calling.


macrumors 68030
Sep 16, 2014
Try rebooting the car. Unhook the battery for one hour, then try pairing again.
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