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Original poster
Jul 18, 2013
Hi i am having trouble uninstalling xtrafinder under Macos catalina, emailed the support but to no avail.

it is stated in the installer:

To uninstall XtraFinder:

  1. Disable System Integrity Protection
  2. Delete XtraFinderPlugins.bundle from directory /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/FileProvider.framework/OverrideBundles
    • Review the installation steps for details
  3. Re-enable System Integrity Protection
There is no option on my context menu to delete the file. Am i missing something? really appreciate the help thanks!

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macrumors 68020
Nov 22, 2007
Aalborg, Denmark
If you mount the extra system partition that comes when using Catalina and you then relaunch sure you're not copying or moving files around when doing this):
Using Terminal - enter password after prompting. The password you now type is invisible to you so don't get frustrated.
sudo mount -uw / ;killall Finder

Then go to the same directory. You should be able to delete that file.
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