Hey, as amazing as cydia is, there is a problem that occured after i downloaded an app that keeps your jailbreak data in your restore settings. I also had catagories, which helps you organize apps and bossprefs(new version). Unfortunatly,i had all of my jailbroken apps in a catagory, hidden by bossprefs. I had to get the new apple update 2.2, so i did that and rejailbroke my ipod. But...nothing was there. Well,cydia and installer werent there. The boot logo was there, and even my numerical battery ( independant of winterboard. I concluded that my ipod is hiding them because catagories hides them. So now im stuck! Any advise? Id like to know im not alone! Also,do not make my misteak! It sucks!
PS. Anyone who read my previous thread will see a nice irony...lol
PS. Anyone who read my previous thread will see a nice irony...lol