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macrumors 6502
Original poster
Nov 11, 2006
Hi all,

Scenario: Hardware failure suspected; Apple engineers advise iTunes backup and full OS install with no backup restoration, to eliminate app/data/configuration issues. This happens multiple times (4-6 phases), before Apple concedes it is hardware, and they issue a replacement phone.

Issue: During the diagnostics phases, Messages app was in use, and was accumulating messages into each iTunes backup - these were not being synced to iCloud coz space on iCloud is limited.

Question: How do I re-sync those backups, so that my messages are re-merged into their relevant threads? I don't delete messages (never have) and do not want to use a 3rd party app to access the messages 'lost' in my backups - I do however now have loads of iCloud space if it helps

Any help appreciated
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