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macrumors 65816
Original poster
Jul 9, 2005
The town without George Bailey
I'm running macOS Monterrey 12.1 on the M1 Mac mini. Universal Clipboard will not work from the Mac to the iPad or iPhone. It continues to work between the iPhone and iPad and to the Mac, but not from the Mac.

Anyone else having this problem? I turned WiFi and Bluetooth off on all devices and turned them back on again. I also reset the Mac. The problem still persists.


Sep 10, 2015
I am having this same problem! I tried turning off and on handoff, bluetooth, wifi, and restarted my Mac and iPad/iPhone. I also see that if I copy on my iPad, and paste on my Mac, I get a previous clipboard data set. If I then hit Ctrl-Z on the Mac to undo, the most recent copy from iPad appears.

I have no clipboard utilities of any kind on any device. I also have no issues between iPad and iPhone.

Since you all posted on this a month or so ago, have you found a fix?
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